Saturday, January 2, 2010

Looking Down

We took our 17 year-old son to Washington DC this week. On Thursday, we took the Metrorail subway to the National Zoo.  (A first time experience for my son and I--they don't have that sort of thing around here).  This escalator was very long (high?)--my husband held on to me from behind while I took my hands off the rail to take the picture.  Sorry I can't give all that helpful camera information--I just have a point and shoot Canon Powershot A560.  I do think I used the "Night Snapshot" setting since the light was so dim.

I just discovered that Picasa tells me all that camera info that people with real cameras are posting--so here goes:  Focal length: 5.8 mm; f/2.6; 35mm equivalent--37mm; ISO 250.  


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Washington, so it does descend into the pits of Hades, lets all look down! Love the image.

Nan said...

Thanks, it may descend to Hades, but it sure wasn't that warm!!! It was snowing and freezing rain that day!

terricreates said...

No no Hades, its a long escalator but it leads to fun and sights LOL. I don't like heights and I can feel it even from here. I was born there and lived most of my life. If you get a chance the place to see is near Dulles AIrport at the Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum, the airplanes and space shuttle are amazing there. Of course all the SMithsonians downtown are cool too.

terricreates said...

If you ever want to know things about what any ty of camera can do go to this site. This guy tests and has used them all. One of the most important things he says is that any camera can take great pictures....its all in learning your settings.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nan -

What a nice shot! I really feel the height and I would have had a hard time going into "Hades". I do love Washington and the subway is so easy to get around on -- it makes all of our history so accessible.

You also get the feeling of being in a tube or slide. Nice perspective.

Lena Ohlén said...

Any camera can take great pictures. Yes, I agree with that. Some years ago I was an Lomo-camera-fantast, and I used a non digital, very old camera that had a very simple type of automatic, but the best thing was that I was able to take photos in very dark surroundings. The camera just choose a longer shuttertime.
Well now I have left the analog photography behind me and have a Nikon D80, but just now I only use my new iPhone and I have not found options to make different changes of the camera before taking the picture. Just "click". But I can make adjustment afterwords.
Good luck with the making of photografies. I will keep my eyes on your blog. ;)

~Val said...

I agree with Terry (top5cats)...your camera is just as real as any. Just less complicated so you probably get to spend more time shooting and less time scratching your head over what setting to choose!

I've been on that is quite the ride to get down there! Nice image and fits the theme perfectly!

Chesney said...

Your camera is very REAL....and takes some great pics! :) That looks like a long ways down there, glad you didn't fall, it almost makes me dizzy looking at it!

Nan said...

It made me dizzy looking down to take the picture! I was glad that my husband was holding on to me from behind!!

Sunny said...

That little Canon Powershot takes really nice photos! I didn't realize a P&S would do that well.

I've never seen an escalator that long! (Short ones are bad enough!)

Anonymous said...

Did your DH also block the entrance long enough to allow you to get that shot without anyone on the escalator? I really like how it's empty, and the faces in the shadows on the "up" escalator are glancing over to watch what you're up to. I like the way the vanishing point is slightly off center causing you to look over and see the faces in the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Congrats for having the nerve to take your hands off the escalator rails! I like the perspective of this shot ... does feel a bit like a scary decent! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the lights and shadows in your picture. And that the escalator is empty too. A great picture for the theme!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

I have no idea of Washington, Penang Malaysia is the furthest North I have been, but I have drunk WT into the wee hours with Karen and that was my reference point to the warm place. I agree with everyone, your camera produces awesome shots.

Nan said...

Thanks, Ron!

Anonymous said...

Was there this past summer, and yes, these escalators are quite steep. Don't think I'd be checking exif data while shooting on one of these. BTW, loved DC>