I found this lovely blackened, burnt log at the beach at Barren River, Ky this afternoon. I liked the pebbly texture from a distance, but up close I could see the grain of the wood as well.

Camera Info:
Picture 1: Focal length ll.8mm
35mm equivalent: 75 mm
ISO: 200
Picture 2: Focal length 5.8mm
35mm equivalent: 37 mm
ISO: 200
What a super example of texture! I can feel it as if I was reaching out to touch it and the subtle, silvery colors are beautiful. I like how you included the shot of the full log too, so we can see the origins of the texture.
The distance shot IS good but that close up is almost palpable, all I can do not to stroke the monitor to feel those silky fibres.
It does really make you want to touch it and see what it feels like, crunch, charcoal like, or even if it could have been hot, LOL. Great job in conveying things that affect so many different senses.
I favor the second image, the clarity, rich textures and cracks all make me feel like I can reach out and stroke the texture (I can almost feel picking out that wood splinter too)! :)
oooo - I love that close up!! great texture!
Wonderful pair of textures. Including both really brings home the "feel" of this old tree.
Nan - I'm sorry I'm just catching up with commenting on our groups pictures. I like this second shot it surely makes you want to see what makes it tic. It makes me want to try and pull out that piece in the middle and look more at the circle patten on the bottom right! Great shot.
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